Money, Land, Power,

or Islamic Religion?

Part 1 of 2
By Rabbi Shlomo Nachman © September 27, 2014 (last updated June 28, 2017)

Recorded Live on Facebook

During discussions with knowledgeable friends I have heard it stated that all conflicts go back to land and money, and not to religion. Religion is just a common excuse, they posit. Others, understandably distrustful of the media, opine that groups like the Islamic Caliphate and Hamas are surely being treated unfairly in the media. They can't really be THAT bad... beheading people? Please... (Never mind that a Jihadi Muslim just beheaded a woman in Oklahoma City and that several people have been beheaded in the UK by Muslims recently). Such opinions persist despite credible eyewitness and video accounts. For example that of an Israeli soldier I know. He entered one of the terror tunnels and was attacked by a Hamas terrorist literally holding a crying baby in one arm and a weapon in the other! But, Muslims don't really use human shields some opine... Even the UN has acknowledged this. Besides, the truth is that the media has been down playing the ongoing Islamic Jihadi actions since the beginning.

A Sabbatical year (shmita) began in 5775: September 2014. The divine laws governing the shmita assure us that if we Jews faithfully observe the seven year cycle and HaShem's Torah that "five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword" (Leviticus 26:8). Why isn't this happening? Clearly because of a disturbing lack of teshuvah (a life of observance and repentance), emunah (active faith/trust) and deveikut (attachment) to G-d among our people.

The Jewish people possess the power to rectify the world through HaShem, however few are doing this:

"A righteous person will flourish like a date-palm, growing tall like a cedar in Lebanon" (Psalm 92:13).
There are two types of tzadikim (righteous people), and both are perfectly righteous. The difference between them is as follows:
One is in a continuous state of deveikut (attachment) to G-d and performs the service incumbent upon him. He is a tzadik, however, just for himself, and not for others. He is the one who is compared to a cedar of which our sages, of blessed memory, said that it does not produce fruit in the world. He is concerned about himself, to "grow tall" and enhance his reward.

The second type of tzadik is compared to a date-palm which produces fruits: "he will flourish like the date-palm," that is, he "brings out the precious from the vile " (Jeremiah 15:19), he causes goodness to flourish and multiply in the world.

Our sages of blessed memory thus said that "the perfect tzadikim cannot stand in the place where the penitent (lit. ba'alei teshuvah) stand" (Berachot 34b). That is, this second type of tzadik is called ba'al teshuvah, i.e., he is the proprietor and master of teshuvah. Because he restores others to goodness, "turns many away from iniquity" (Malachi 2:6), and effects teshuvah in the world. His reward is doubled and redoubled and redoubled far beyond that of the first type of tzadik, although the latter, too, is perfectly righteous.
      Tazva'at Harivash of the BESHT 125.
Islamic taqiyya (i.e. Sharia prescribed deception) is warping our perceptions of reality and blurring the distinctions between righteousness and evil! Israel has the specific authority of HaShem as well as the military might to protect and cleanse ALL of our Land of this false teaching and threat; but concerned about world opinion seems unwilling to do so. Even more powerful than its military however is Israel's spiritual abilities to rectify everything and bring in HaMashiach ben David. Israel has many tzadikim of the first "Ceder" variety, but precious few of the later. As a result, attacks are again taking place in Jerusalem, throughout the country, and around the Globe. As a result of image concerns or perhaps a lack of emunah (active faith), Israel and the world are not benefiting from the good that HaShem has in store for us all. Jews are called to be a blessing to the world entire (Genesis 12:3) but this requires the emunah (active faith) to do what is needed and the spirit of deveikut (attachment) to G-d. Frankly this is lacking right now.

The Deen and Ummah of Islam:

Consider this:

Thomas Jefferson declared the first of two foreign wars -- both against Muslim countries.

Islamic Jihad in America goes back to the our origins as a nation. Jefferson had a personal copy of the Qur'an so he could understand the enemy more completely. In defense of America Jefferson studied the enemy's war plan, their "Art of War." . Consider the following from: "America's First War on Terror" by Front Page Magazine:

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, then serving as American ambassadors to France and Britain, respectively, met in 1786 in London with the Tripolitan Ambassador to Britain, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja. These future American presidents were attempting to negotiate a peace treaty which would spare the United States the ravages of jihad piracy—murder, enslavement (with ransoming for redemption), and expropriation of valuable commercial assets—emanating from the Barbary states (modern Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, known collectively in Arabic as the Maghrib). During their discussions, they questioned Ambassador Adja as to the source of the unprovoked animus directed at the nascent United States republic. Jefferson and Adams, in their subsequent report to the Continental Congress, recorded the Tripolitan Ambassador's justification:

... that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.

I disagree with the assessment that "Its all about money and land" because I understand Islam, its intentions, and what drives it. My degrees and much of my life's work has been in the field of religious studies. I have studied Islam in depth. The deen of Islam (i.e. the religion of absolute submission to Muhammad's alleged revelation) and the ummah of Islam (i.e. the universal nationhood of the Muslim people) under the sharia of Islam (its all-consuming legal code) are inseparable. What we are experiencing is NOT "Radical Islam," it is "Observant Islam." We need to understand the difference. Current attempts to establish a global Islamic caliphate or government is firmly based in Al Qur'an and the other Islamic writings and traditions such as Al Hadith. These teachings are what is driving this global Muslim insanity worldwide and it will only be stopped by force of arms OR by the rise of deveikut (attachment) to G-d and massive numbers of Date-Palm and Cedar Tzadikim.

In the linked piece the authors present a good explanation of the problems in the Middle East and around the world as Islam (via the terrorist networks created by Al Ikhwan, the Muslim Brotherhood) is again seeking to establish a global Sharia based caliphate. As of now they are succeeding in large part because the West is foolishly accepting the false paradigm they are creating. These conflicts are NOT based on land, wealth, greed, or even politics. They are based squarely on religion. Obama, like many others, is either duped or lying! As a man raised in Indonesian Muslim schools it is inconceivable that Obama does not know what is really taking place. The Islamic State is just as Islamic as the Crusades were Catholic.

As of this update the American people have wisely elected President Donald J. Trump. He is already making substantial inroads against the Islamic Jihad, but he is being vigorously opposed by members on "both sides of the isle" in the "Washington swamp." How this will turn out remains to be seen. What is certain however is that HaShem Alone is King and He rules the affairs of men. If America returns to G-d HaShem will return to America.

Everything about Islam, from Al Qur'an on, is plagiarized from Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Sanatana Dharma (i.e. Hinduism), and/or Constantine's Christianity. Islam is the restored religion of Hubal-Sin, not the G-d of the Bible. Muslims are not worshipping the G-d of Avraham Avinu, they are worshipping an ancient lunar ba'al. Sadly the civilized countries are mainly ignoring this reality to their potential peril.

Islam means "submission," not peace.

Khorasan, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Islamic State, etc. ARE correctly reflecting the teachings of Islam as stated in their scriptures and in the example set by the warlord Muhammad, and his immediate followers. They are NOT "Radical Muslims" they are Observant Muslims.

Continue With Part 2 of 2

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