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Controversial Topics:

Prophecies, Politics, and Other Religions

As part of my ongoing updating and restoration of I have now begun working on the return of this once popular section. This section once hosted over two hundred pages of information. Most of that will not be restored but some of it will be. To make navigation easier my various studies that di not fit well elsewhere will be linked from here.

In addition to topics of religion, I am also interested in topics that some consider controversial (unlike religion hehe). These topics cover a wide range of subjects from prophecies and politics to the extra-natural occurrences and beyond as you will see if you keep checking back for updates. Most of this I will not be posting to my Facebook account, however if you find the material of interest I encourage you to "like" and share it.

As always I invite questions, comments, and corrections.

Dreams and Memories:

Last Night I Dreamt Of Melting Cake A disturbing dream about Southern California.
Purim Dream: Great Atheism and the End of Days
An Odd Dream For Elul!
Shoah Child: A poem and Video.
My Experiences in the Holocaust. A factual retelling by text and a 43 minute video.


The Unibomber Manifesto: Industrial Society and its Future (pdf file).
Why We Are Losing World War III
Betrayal! The Rise of the Demon Queen
JPost: ADL Unconscionable, Inaccurate Attack on Israel at J Street Meeting

Abortion Numbers

    Numbers Don't Lie. This is a continuing holocaust!

Political wisdom

    Wise quotations

Globalist Quotes

    Notable quotes by the Elite
Never Forget What Happened At Waco!
    A time line of the Mount Carmel massacre, several informative videos, and the truth about Hillary Clinton's murders.

Ambush at Ruby Ridge

    How US government agents set Randy Weaver up and took his family down.


The Prophecies of John the Revelator
    Note this section is archival and has not been updated in years.
The Prophecy of Malachy
    Is this prediction coming true? Will Pope Francis be the final Pope?
Are Muhammad and Jesus Mentioned in the Tanach?
    A look at Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs) 5:16 and Jonah 2:9 (2:10).
The Georgia Guidestones and the Creature from Jekyll Island
    A dark prophecy or a dark reality?
Prophecy: Aliyah, Christians, and Jewish Israel
    The rebirth of Israel and how to respond to it.

Dragons and the Merovingian Bloodline

    Dragons are still among us!


Main Directory
The Muslim Brotherhood Project Part One of Two.
The Muslim Brotherhood Project Part Two of Two.

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