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AllFaith.com Videos
By Rabbi Shlomo Nachman ben Ya'akov
All Videos are © AllFaith.com
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The 2016 Sacramento Jewish Heritage Festival.; Sacramento, Ca -- March 16, 2016
Strolling for Israel; Chico, Ca -- September 13, 2015
A Santa Barbara Rally and Food For Thought -- September 1st, 2015
Its the 1930's Again: What will YOU Do? -- September 1st, 2015
Golden Rule: Don't Convert the Jews: -- August 21st, 2015Video Version: Video Version:
Chico Stands With Israel -- August 25st, 2015
Golden Rule: Don't Convert the Jews: -- August 21st, 2015Video Version: Video Version:
Be Our Friends, Don't Try And Convert Us:
Audio Version:
July 28, 2015
Video Version:
The Prince Who Thought He Was a Turkey: Also known as The Turkey Prince.A Story of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (zt"l)
Retold by the RANBaCH © Lag B'Omer, 18th Iyar, 5775 (May 06, 2015)
March 17, 2015:Live from the House of Seven Beggars Synagogue. Join us each Tuesday at 8:00 PM as we explore the Jewish texts.
Tonight we will take a break from the Talmud study to talk to Shlomo Phillips about his outreach work. Shlomo runs AllFaith.com where he shares his personal views as a Jew and a Zionist through studies, cartoons, videos, and more.
He also offers two weekly classes: The Garden of Emuna (Sundays, 10 AM PST) and Derech HaShem (Sundays, 11:30 AM PST).
Visit us at: http://sevenbeggars.com/ and consider making a donation to keep these studies coming!
Published on February 11, 2015.
What is the secret of the Shema? Find out here! For a text version visit AllFaith.com/Being/secret.html And for more about the Shema, visit my http://allfaith.com/being/shemameditation.html
References:Derech HaShem (The Way of God) by the Ramchal, IV.4.2
My Shoah Memories: My Lifelong recurring dream.
Published on February 9, 2015.
Yesterday I posted my poem-video Shoah Child (see below). It alludes to an horrific, true, Shoah experience. In this piece I recount that experience in depth. The video is 43 minutes long (so grab a cup a tea!).
I wrote the original posted version of this piece in 1997 from journal entries dating back to the early 1980's. Periodically I have updated and tightened this retelling. Now for the first time I relate the experience in a video in my own voice.
There are a few language errors in the video, for this apologize but this project has been difficult for me. The audio and text versions presented are almost identical, minor these errors. The differences are minor.
I realize and respect that not all Jews embrace the idea of reincarnation (or 'gilgul neshamot'); most of the Orthodox do. I know that many who do accept it are understandably skeptical of people who say they have these sorts of memories. And I understand that some people are offended by the idea of sharing such memories, believing they somehow detract from the dignity of lost loved ones. But consider, if the thousands who have these sorts of memories are telling the truth, and many of us are, then we are those for whom our people mourn. Our presence therefore should bring consolation that our beloved dead live on.No offense is ever intended. Am Y'israel Chai!
As always, I invite your questions and comments.
We, the People of Israel, live on!A text version, with the video, and additional information may be found Here.
Your questions, thoughts, or comments, are invited.
Published on February 8, 2015.
This is a poem I wrote that seeks to share the heart of one who, through the processes of gilgul neshamot (reincarnation), did not survive the Shoah (Holocaust).
A text version with additional information may be found HERE.
A deeper, companion piece may be read and watched here: Shoah Memories
Your questions, thoughts, or comments, are invited.
Published on January 27, 2015.
Common sense is not so common! In The Life of Reb Noson of Breslov we encounter true insight and wisdom. This video shares a few examples of his Torah teachings along with beautiful music from The Brills
References:The Life of Reb Noson of Breslov: Through Fire and Water
By Chaim Kramer, published by Breslov Institute, First Edition. Music: The Brills, of Ra'anana, Israel
Published on January 26, 2015.
The Torah offers everything. There are two essential ways to approach the Torah. That's the topic of this video.
References:Derech HaShem, by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, IV 2.
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov,
Likutey Moharan I, 34
Siach Sarfey Kodesh 1-87
Sichot Haran #19
Music: Torah Orah Yisrael Voraita Mp3
Graphics: Public domain
Published on January 18, 2015.
Clapping ones hands in prayer is an effective way to increase the intensity one brings to Hitbodedut (personal prayer). In this AllFaith.com video we discover some of Rebbe Nachman's secrets to successful prayer. We also enjoy the beautiful music of Ani Kodesh ("You are Holy") from the awesome Israeli film Ushpizin.
Presentation by AllFaith.com
Some of texts based on The Fiftieth Gate
Likutey Tefilot, published by Breslov Institute
Discovering the Holy Secrets of Torah Through Hitbodedut
Published on January 16, 2015.
This video is closely based on Reb Noson's prayer in Likutey Tefilot. This book, published by Breslov Institute, is a must for anyone desiring to unlock the secrets of Hitbodedut, personal secluded prayer. Through these prayers we are inspired to formulate our own prayers to the Eternal as offerings of our hearts. Music by The Brills of Ra'anana, Israel
Presentation by AllFaith.com
Reb Nosen on How To Attain Understanding
Published on January 15, 2015.
"I study and study but still I'm not sure!"
Here's the way to attain true understanding according to Reb Noson and his Likutey Tefilot.
Texts based on The Fiftieth Gate
Likutey Tefilot, published by Breslov Institute
Music by The Brills of Ra'anana, Israel
Presentation by AllFaith.com
Published on January 13, 2015.
Rebbe Nachman's wisdom is world renown. This video is based on his teachings as presented in the book: Israel Saba, Conversations of Rabbi Israel Dov Odesser. What is the path to true wisdom? Rebbe Nachman tells us that true wisdom is ultimately simple.
Video created by Shlomo Phillips January 13.2015
Music by: Nanach.com
Text by: Rabbi Israel Saba
Published on December 17, 2014.
All of the mitzvot, all of the knowledge, all of our hope... all of it, begins with active FAITH in HaShem. Emuna -- active faith -- is the portal to all joy.
Video created by Shlomo Phillips 12.17.2014
Music by: Yosef Gottesman
Text by: Rebbe Nachman (Sefer Hamidot, Azamra.org)
Published on December 16, 2014.
Chanukah is a time joy. Its the time when we draw the holiness of Temple into our own consciousness and celebration God's love and protection of His people.
Video created by Shlomo Phillips 12.16.2014
Music by: Mista Cookie Jar
Text by: Rebbe Nachman (Azamra.org)
Published on December 15, 2014.
Each day we awake to a new day filled with unlimited possibilities. HaShem, the One True God, grants us this awesome privilege and opportunity and so to Him we give thanks through the words of the Modeh Ani.
Video created by Shlomo Phillips 12.15.2014
Music by The Brills
Published on December 10, 2014.
Sometimes good is good enough! Do you find your spiritual efforts frustrated by human frailty? Relax! This is how we are designed. What you can do, do. Judaism does not require perfection!
Video created by Shlomo Phillips 12.10.2014
What is Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman?
Published on December 09, 2014.
You may have seen them dancing in the streets, you have almost certainly seen their viral videos. But you probably have no idea what its all about! This video seeks to answer that, or at least in part. What is the Universal Song of Redemption? Where did it come from? Find out here!
Video created by Shlomo Phillips 12.09.2014
Published on December 03, 2014.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman is sweeping Israel and the world! Rebbe Nachman stated that his "fire" would burn until the coming of Mashiach/Messiah. Mashiach has not come yet, but Rebbe Nachman's Wisdom is filling the earth with HOPE and JOY. In this video I share a few of my photos from Israel, some of Rebbe Nachman's sayings, and the Nanach Song. Enjoy, like and share!
Video created by Shlomo Phillips 12.03.2014
Teshuvah, The Key To Happiness
Published on December 02, 2014.
Everyone is looking for happiness, but few are finding it. This is because happiness is not found through material things, power, or fame. Happiness comes from a true attachment to God. Teshuvah is active repentance. It is not an action so much as a consciousness, a realization of ones rightful place in God's creation. This video shares insights from Rebbe Nachman.
Video created by Shlomo Phillips 12.01.2014
Published on December 02, 2014.
When Obama made this statement he knew something about Islam that most non-Muslims don't! In this video I clarify what he and the Muslims know.
Video created by Shlomo Phillips 12.01.2014
Published on December 01, 2014.
JOY is the sign of true spirituality. But how can one become joyful? Rebbe Nachman of Breslov offers a lot of insight!
Video created by Shlomo Phillips 12.01.2014
© April 11, 2011, Major update published via YouTube March 31, 2014
The traditional story of Pesach/Passover re-told by your friends at AllFaith.com.
This audio retelling blends the timeless story with modern relevance and humor in a way we sincerely hope you will enjoy.
Script written by Shlomo Phillips
Audio and technical work done by Joe A.
Directed by Joe A.
Cast in order of first appearance:Joe: Narrator, Pharaoh, Voice of the Angel of Death
Leah Levine: Joy, Pharaoh's Magician
Ahuva Phillips: Rachel, Butch the Guard
Shlomo Phillips: Aharon, Egyptian Taskmaster, Egyptian Dude, The Voice of HaShem
Larry Levine: Moshe, Egyptian soldier
Many photos taken by Shlomo and Ahuva Phillips
Other photos and images used in accordance with internet fair use policies.
End Music by The Brills of Nahariya, Israel. Used with permission.
HaTikvah is from the Israeli government website.
Shofar sounded by Shlomo Phillips.Audio Only:
Published on September 27, 2013
This video shares a lovely instrumental version of Israel's National Anthem as well as a version by Barbra Streisand (with the Hebrew and English words on the screen during this portion) and Al Jolson's (from the 1930's). All music exists within the public domain.
Photos were taken by Ahuva and Shlomo Phillips during April-May 2013.
Video created by Shlomo Phillips 9.27.2013
Also see: Here for my HaTikvah videos and additional information about HaTikvah.
Published on September 26, 2013
HaTikvah is the national anthem of Israel. Our hope still burns strong even until the coming of Messiah (may he come soon and in our day). Photos by Shlomo and Ahuva Phillips Words and music under creative commons Visit AllFaith.com.
If you enjoy my videos please share them with others.
Shalom, Peace, Love and the Light of Torah,
Shlomo and AhuvaAlso see: Here for my HaTikvah videos and additional information about HaTikvah.
Published on September 25, 2013
As we traveled in Israel from Eilat to the Lebanese border for seven weeks in April-May 2013 we were amazed at the wild life we saw! In this video we share a few of our memories and another glorious song by our friends The Brills. Rav Brill and his family live in Ra'anana Israel. Visit his site at: BrillsJudaica.com and my site at AllFaith.com.
This video was complied during Sukkot 2013. If you enjoy it please share it with others.
Shalom, Peace, Love and the Light of Torah, Shlomo and Ahuva)
Published on September 24, 2013
Photos from parts of Israel most non-Israelis have never seen, set to beautiful music by the Brills. The song says, I'm paraphrasing, 'If you don't believe HaShem is there just look at the light shining through my eyes'. HaShem has given us this awesome Land as our inheritance. His presence shines forth from every nook and cranny.
Photos from April-May 2013, by Shlomo and Ahuva Phillips -- AllFaith.com
Music courtesy of The Brills of Ra'anana Israel -- BrillsJudaica.com
Video made during Sukkot of 2013If you enjoy my videos please share them with your friends :-)
Published on September 23, 2013
Various photos from around our homeland that I hope you will enjoy, presented with the wonderful music of The Brills -- BrillsJudaica.com
These photos were taken by us, Shlomo and Ahuva Phillips, between April and May of 2013. I compiled the video during Sukkot 2013. if you enjoy this video please share it with your friends.
Published on September 22, 2013
Israel has it all!
From En Gedi to the Negev, from the Grotto on the border of Lebanon to Eilat in the south near Egypt and Jordan, there is no place like the Holy Land!
In this video Ahuva and I share a few photos from our seven week trip and give you a taste of this glorious place.
The song on this video is shared courtesy of The Brills: BrillsJudaica.comWe recite Mode Ani upon arising. May HaShem help us all awaken to appreciate the splendor of His Creation:
Modeh anee lefanecha
melech chai vekayam,
she-he-chezarta bee
nishmatee b'chemla,
raba emunatecha.
"I offer thanks to You, living and eternal King, for You have mercifully restored my soul within me; Your faithfulness is great."
Y'rushalayim (Jerusalem)Published on September 22, 2013
Photos from our trip to Jerusalem in April-May 2013 with music by The Brills.
Video created by Shlomo Phillips during Sukkot 2013 -- AllFaith.com.
With wonderful background music by The Brills of Ra'anana, Israel (music used with permission of Rav Brill -- BrillsJudaica.com).
Published on September 22, 2013
A City of Prayer for all people.
This video contains photos of the Holy City taken in April-May of 2013. The focus is on the Western Wall.
Photos by: Shlomo and Ahuva Phillips
Video composed by Shlomo Phillips -- AllFaith.com
Music courtesy of The Brills -- BrillsJudaica.com
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