Our non-Jewish friends need to understand this!HaShem personally dictated the Torah (Genesis - Deuteronomy). These five books form the heart of the Bible (the Tanach). ANYTHING that contradicts Torah is false. Period. If you disagree with this statement then the Bible holds no relevance to your beliefs. If so, please stop quoting it!
Torah says ONLY G-d will judge mankind, no one else.
Tehillim (Psalms) 50:The Torah and the rest of the Tanach was made for the Jewish people, HaShem's elect, according to Torah. Will you accept this fact or reject it?
He summoned the heavens above, and the earth, for the trial of His people.
“Bring in My devotees, who made a covenant with Me over sacrifice!”
Then the heavens proclaimed His righteousness, for He is a God who judges. Selah.
“Pay heed, My people, and I will speak, O Israel, and I will arraign you. I am God, your God.
There is certainly wisdom in our Scriptures that is applicable to all people, but of the Jews alone the One G-d says:
Isaiah 45:4EVEN THOUGH WE ARE NOT WORTHY HE MAINTAINS US IN THE COVENANT. On this see also Isaiah 54:4,5).
For the sake of My servant Jacob, Israel My chosen one, I call you by name, I hail you by title, though you have not known [realized] Me.
Continuing:I am the LORD and there is none else; Beside Me, there is no god. I engird you, though you have not known Me,Those who seek to add partners to HaShem, those who claim another does His Holy Work of judgement and forgiveness, those who take our Scriptures to promote a godman unknown to our fathers....
So that they may know, from east to west, That there is none but Me. I am the LORD and there is none else...
Shame on him who argues with his Maker, Though naught but a potsherd of earth! Shall the clay say to the potter, “What are you doing? Your work has no handles”?
To such people:"Thus said the LORD, Israel’s Holy One and Maker: Will you question Me on the destiny of My children, Will you instruct Me about the work of My hands?.....THOSE OF YOU WHO WOULD BE OUR FRIENDS: HEAR THE Word of the G-d of Israel! HIS WORD on this is very clear!
Those who fabricate idols, All are shamed and disgraced; To a man, they slink away in disgrace.
But Israel has won through the LORD Triumph everlasting. You shall not be shamed or disgraced In all the ages to come!”
For thus said the LORD, The Creator of heaven who alone is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who alone established it— He did not create it a waste, But formed it for habitation: I am the LORD, and there is none else.
Come, gather together, Draw nigh, you remnants of the nations! No foreknowledge had they who carry their wooden images And pray to a god who cannot give success.
Speak up, compare testimony— Let them even take counsel together! Who announced this aforetime, Foretold it of old? Was it not I the LORD? Then there is no god beside Me, No God exists beside Me Who foretells truly and grants success.
Turn to Me and gain success, All the ends of earth! For I am God, and there is none else.
By Myself have I sworn, From My mouth has issued truth, A word that shall not turn back: To Me every knee shall bend, Every tongue swear loyalty....
It is through the LORD that all the offspring of Israel Have vindication and glory.”THIS is what the Bible teaches. The other nations will of course do as they please. The proverbial ball is in your court.
- He does NOT incarnate like the other gods are said to do.
- He has NO mediator between Himself and the people of the earth.
- He alone is G-d and there is no god nor godman with Him.
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