What Happened on Tisha Ba"av
We Remember and We Mourn
By Rabbi Shlomo Nachman © July 29, 2020

This table is borrowed from OHR.edu. It will replaced by an original presentation on these and other dates and events asap.

Hebrew Year
Common Year
2448 (1312) Spies return from 40 days in Israel with evil reports of the Land of Israel. Jewish people cry in despair, give up hope of entering the Land of Israel.
3340 (421) Destruction of First Temple by the Babylonians, under Nebuchadnezar. About 100,000 Jews killed during invasion. Exile of remaining tribes in southern kingdom to Babylon and Persia.
3830 70 Destruction of Second Temple by Romans, under Titus. Over 2,500,000 Jews die as a result of war, famine and disease. Over 1,000,000 Jews exiled to all parts of the Roman Empire.
Over 100,000 Jews sold as slaves by Romans. Jews killed and tortured in gladiatorial
"games" and pagan celebrations.
3892 132 Bar Kochba revolt crushed. Betar destroyed - over 100,00 killed.
3893 133 Turnus Rufus ploughs site of Temple. Romans build pagan city of Aelia Capitolina on site of Jerusalem.
4855 1095 First Crusade declared by Pope Urban II. 10,000 Jews killed in first month of Crusade.
Crusades bring death and destruction to thousands of Jews, totally obliterate many communities in Rhineland and France.
5050 1290 Expulsion of Jews from England, accompanied by pogroms and confiscation of books and property.
5252 1492 Inquisition in Spain and Portugal culminates in the expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian Peninsula.
Families separated, many die by drowning, massive loss of property.
5674 1914 Britain and Russia declare war on Germany. First World War begins. First World War issues unresolved, ultimately causing Second World War and Holocaust.
75% of all Jews in war zones. Jews in armies of all sides - 120,000 Jewish casualties in armies.
Over 400 pogroms immediately following war in Hungary, Ukraine, Poland and Russia.
5702 1942 Deportations from Warsaw Ghetto to the Treblinka concentration camp begin.
5749 1989 Iraq walks out of talks with Kuwait.
5754 1994 The deadly bombing the building of the AMIA (the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, Argentina) which killed 86 people and wounded some 300 others.
5780 2020 The streets of the United States and other countries are aflame as Anarchists and Globalist seek to destroy Western decoracy.
The Chinese Covid Plague continues to decimate much of the world.
5784 7-13 2024 The Globalist junta attacking the United State shot President Donald J. Trump, but HaShem intervened. A dark day despite HaShem's intervention.

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