Rabbeinu's fire burns brightly in his masterpiece Likutey Moharan and other teachings, in the many books written on them, among the Breslov Jews, in his instructions and across the universes.Some Jews who aren't Orthodox and even some people who aren't Jewish wanna be Nanachs!
Without question Rebbe Nachman's FIRE is still burning brightly!
Mein firerl vet shoin talyuen biz mashiach vet commen.
"My fire will burn until the coming of Moshiach"
-- Rebbe Nachman (Chayey Moharan #306)There exists among Rebbe Nachman's disciples those who believe that Rabbi Y'isroel Ber Odesser (Saba or "Grandfather" to his disciples) was granted a special favor and holy mission (please note that not all Breslovers believe this). These Jews are often referred to as "Nanachs" based on this dispensation to Saba. As discussed elsewhere on this site Nanachs believe Saba was given the Song of Universal Redemption:
Na Nach Nachmu Nachman Meuman Here's what Rabbi Y'isroel Ber Odesser (Saba) said about Na Nach Nachmu Nachman Meuman
Simply by reciting the name of our leader Rabbi Nachman, just as it signed in the signature on this Petek (note) – Na Nach Nachmu Nachman MeUman - this eases all the troubles and sweetens all the harsh judgements, all the sins and all the falls and all of the heresy of the world. This is enough to destroy the Other Side (the Evil Inclination), to dispel all the darkness, everything, it transforms everything. This is a new power like nothing that was ever before in the world.
Na Nach Nachmu Nachman MeUman, this has the power, this opens up all the gates of mercy, all the gates of prayer, all the gates of repentance, all of the Tora.
Na Nach Nachmu Nachman MeUman – this is the main point. This contains all of the Redemption, and all of the salvations are included in this name, for the central point of everything is dependent on Rabbi Nachman.
This is effective for everyone, on both the general and individual levels. Every person should pray and say verbally: "May the merit of Rabbi Nachman protect us and all the Jewish People, the merit of Na Nach Nachmu Nachman MeUman".
Our holy leader Rabbi Nachman, this matter is an entirely new secret, yes. Rabbi Nachman revealed that his name is a Song that is Single, Doubled, Tripled, and Quadrupled – Na Nach Nachmu Nachman MeUman.
If one is suffering or there is some sin – immediately say Na Nach Nachmu Nachman MeUman, this already transforms everything. This renews – everything, transforms – to good. Nachman MeUman – this transforms everything.
So... Since Saba tells us that Na Nach Nachmu Nachman MeUman "eases all the troubles and sweetens all the harsh judgements, all the sins and all the falls and all of the heresy of the whole world" then it must include non-Orthodox Jews and even the Noahidim right?
So... Na Nach Nachmu Nachman MeUman is for everyone! It IS after all the Song of Universal Redemption. Saba said: "This is effective for everyone, on both the general and individual levels. Every person should pray and say verbally: "May the merit of Rabbi Nachman protect us..."
AND HaShem said of the Day of Redemption: I will bring them to My holy mount, and I will cause them to rejoice in My house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon My altar, for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples" -- Isaiah 56:7
So... if one accepts that this is the Universal Song of Redemption revealed, how do Jews and non-Jews plug into it? It seems clear based on Saba's teachings:
Na Nach Nachmu Nachman MeUman!Just do it!"I Says I Wanna Be A Nanach Rabbainu Freed Me" t>
We Will, We Will... Nanach! All dem Nanachs doing the Nanach Swipe... Oh yeah
e> And we just sayin'
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman
(Hebrew: נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן)
Not sure why?
HaMoshiach is on his own way!
And these Jews know it!
> Hitbodedut - Contacting & Coming Near to G-d > Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman Visit Nanach.net For More! Get Ready! And Be Happy!
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