Beit Emunah
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Rabbi's Talks
(Divrei Torah)
Shabbat Streaming
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Ways to Donate
Home Page Established 1998, banned by Facebook 2017 for supporting President Trump, reborn as in 2018.

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Live Weekly Broadcasts:

Join us LIVE in Our Zoom Shul

Noon: Wednesdays: Likutey Moharan
  Noon: Thursdays: Elucidated Derech HaShem.

Judaism 101 Free Course:
5-6 PM: Doctrine and Practices
6-7 PM:  Beginning Hebrew
8-10 PM: Community Chat (Zoom only)

8 PM Thursdays: Weekly Parsha Study

Shabbat Services:

8 PM: Fridays
Noon: Saturdays

* All times US Eastern

On Social Media:

Shlomo on YouTube

Shlomo on MeWe

Shlomo on Spreely

Shlomo on Xephula

Shlomo on Minds

Shlomo on Gab

Shlomo on Facebook

If one wishes to be a mechanic, a doctor, a lawyer, a burger flipper or anything else in this life one must learn what is required for success and perfect that skill set. Why would emunah or motivating faith be any different? Motivating faith (or emunah in Hebrew) must be intentionally developed with accurate knowledge coupled with personal experience and intent. The twofold foundation of emunah is Torah and Hitbodedut (personal private prayer). A person with proper understanding of Torah (the Jewish Scriptures) who invests time in Hitbodedut will most certainly develop ever deeper emunah. Through emunah one merits to experience great joy and contentment.

If you have questions you are invited to contact me.

Everything is LIVE in Our Zoom Shul!

Join us on Zoom for the most realistic shul experience.
Most everything is simulcasted to our various social media sites to the right


We welcome Jews and all people of positive intention.

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