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For Quick Information:Go to: My content page. Lots of studies in various categories.
Go to: My contact page. Perhaps I can help. Drop me a line.
Go to: Judaism 101 is a great resource for quick information.
This site is written primarily from a traditional Jewish perspective and offers concise information on many topics ranging from "basic" to "advanced."
Der Alte Weg Chassidus
I am a talmid of Rabbi Aryel Nachman ben Chaim (Shlit"a), founder of the House of Seven Beggars and Rebbe of Der Alte Weg Chassidus. I am also the Associate Rabbi of the House of Seven beggars:
Der Alte Weg at AllFaith.com
The House of Seven Beggars Website
The Keruv Media Network on YouTube
Torah Study:Judaic Seminar
Breslov ResourcesThe Baal Shem Tov (zt’l) (i.e. Rabbi Yisroel ben Eliezer -- Born: 1698, Podolia, Died: May 22, 1760, Medzhybizh, Ukraine) was the inspired founder of Hasidic Judaism (aka Chassidus: "the pious ones").Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (April 4, 1772 - October 16, 1810, burial place: Uman, Ukraine), was a great-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov. Rebbe Nachman was the founder of Breslov Chassidus. He was among the greatest Jewish sages and reformers of all time. Through his wisdom the Baal Shem Tov's Chassidus was reinvigorated. Rebbe Nachman combined the esoteric secrets of Judaism (such as Kabbalah) with serious Torah and Talmudic scholarship, and direct intense love of the Eternal, blessed be He. His followers are known for their ecstatic dancing and religious ecstacy, piety, and knowledge. Rebbe Nachman attracted thousands of followers during his lifetime and far more since his passing. He taught:
The Misnagdim (opponents of the Chassidim) say that the main thing is to study Torah. The Chassidim say the main thing is prayer. But I say: Pray and study and pray -- Siach Sarfey Kodesh 1-87His promise that "My fire will burn until the coming of HaMashiach" (i.e. the Messiah) is proving true as his popularity and influence continues to rise.Like Judaism at large Breslov has spawned several sects and traditions. The author of this website, Shlomo Phillips, is a Breslov chassid of Der Alte Weg Chassidus due to the kindness of Rebbe Aryel Nachman, a direct descendant of the Rambam:
Go to: The House of Seven Beggars: This is our traditional, Sephardic, online Breslov shul and home of Der Alte Weg Chassidus (i.e. "The Old Way Chassidus").Rebbe Aryel Nachman: I am a follower of the Baal Shem Tov (zt’l), my Rebbe is Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (zt’l) and I derive great inspiration, strength and comfort from the Grand Rebbe of Kaliv, Menachem Mendel Taub (shlit’a). I am a simple Jew to whom HaShem has given blessings to be able to draw pictures and tell stories that people like (Source).
Our shul offers weekly online classes as well as weekly Kabbalat/Maariv and Shacharit/Musaf Shabbat Services for those who are not able to attend a brink and mortar shul.
Go to: Azamra's "The Essential Rebbe Nachman."Lot of great information on the direct teachings, sayings, and stories of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman: Some Breslover Jews (not all) and others believe that in fulfillment of certain Hasidic prophecies, that in 1922 Rebbe Nachman miraculously sent a mysterious note (known as the Petek) to one of his spiritual descendents named Yisroel Dov Ber Odesser (known affectionately as Saba or "grandfather" by his talmidim). Through this Petek Saba revealed the Na Nach Nachma Nachman signature believed to be "the universal song of redemption" foretold for the End of Days that would usher in the Messiah.
Readers of AllFaith.com are invited to learn more about Na Nach here:
Azamra Breslov Music
Non-profit books of Rebbe NachmanFor more information on the Petek and the Nanach Breslov sect visit the following links:Other Chasidish Sites:Chassidic section
Nanach.net: A site dedicated to sharing the Song of Redemption and the teachings of Rebbe Yisroel Dov Odesser (Saba), Rav Natan, and Rebbe Nachman.
Zissil.com's Nach section.Breslov.org
Breslov Campus
Rabbi Shalom Arush( Breslev.com.il)
Nikolsburg Dynasty
Kaliv DynastySephardic Sites:
Sephardic.orgOther Orthodox Sites:The Complete Talmud (PDF) from jewishvirtuallibrary.orgDati Leumi: National Religious:
The Orthodox Union Web Site (information on Kashrut and much more).
AISH.com and Jewish Literacy: Learn Hebrew, Jewish History and much more.
UTJ: Union For Traditional Judaism: "The Union For Traditional Judaism is a trans-denominational education and outreach organization dedicated to promoting the principles of traditional Judaism without sectarian bias.")
Torah.org Solid, useful information and interactive discussion.Go to: Religious Zionists of AmericaNon-Orthodox Sites
Go to: World Mizrachi MovementGo to: My Jewish Learning: a Reform Movement centered site with lots of information to share on various topics.Karaite Judaism: Bnei Mikra: "Followers of Scripture"
Go to: Conservative Jewish Union
Go to: Union of Reform Judaism
Go to: News and Views of Reform Jews
Go to: Reconstructionist Communities
Go to: ALEPH: The Alliance For Jewish Renewal
Go to: Tikkun (Jewish Renewal)
Go to: Rabbi Michael Lerner's Beyt Tikkun (Jewish Renewal)
Go to : kulanu: "All of Us""Kulanu is an organization that reflects the community of interests of individuals of varied backgrounds and religious practices dedicated to finding and assisting lost and dispersed remnants of the Jewish people."
Today Rabbinic Judaism is the main body of the Jewish religion. It stems largely from the teachings of the Pharisees (P'rushim) who came to be known as the Rabbis.Conversion to Judaism
Karaism is an equally ancient and resilient lineage of the Jewish people, emerging in part from the Sadducees (Tz'dukim) of the first centuries BCE and CE. It is currently much less numerous and influential than in the past. Previously as high as 40 percent of the Jewish population were Karaite Jews. Today it is estimated that there are around 30,000 Karaites worldwide.
Go to: Karaite Korner
Go to: Karaite.orgGo to: My Studies on Conversion to Judaism index page.Online Study Resources:
The House of Seven Beggars Contact Rebbe Aryel Nachman for more information.
The RCA (Rabbinic Counsel of America) Orthodox Conversion to Judaism page:This is probably the best way to convert to Judaism if you want almost universal acceptance as a Jew. Unfortunately there is a lot of sectarian politics involved in converting to Judaism today. Its better to be aware of this going in! Most other methods will grant a lower degree of acceptance of the conversion. Orthodox Jews only accept Orthodox conversions (and even then under certain restrictions) as valid. Non-Orthodox accept Orthodox conversions. Do your research before committing yourself to any conversion program.
The Institute for Halachic Conversion
"Becoming Orthodox Without Questioning Your Sanity" (Modern Orthodoxy)
Rabbi Celso Cukierkorn's websiteHis conversions are essentially Conservative and not accepted by everyone (including the Orthodox) and may be considered invalid by various authorities. The site provides good information and advice to people who are considering converting to Judaism as well as to those who have already converted.
Judaism 101. Study this site completely before beginning the process to get a solid foundation.
LearnEmunah.com's Conversion sectionComplete Jewish Bible with Rashi CommentaryHow To...
Sacred Jewish Texts Online
Sefaria.com "A Living Library of Jewish Texts
Donning Tzitzit or a TallitHelpful Books:
Guide to Putting on TefillinGo to: To Be A JewHolocaust: Shoah Information:
Go to To Pray as a Jew
Go to: The Gutnick Chumash
Go to: The Works of Rebbe Nachman
Go to: Derech HaShem: The Way of God
The Garden of Emuna
My First Hebrew Primer
Siddur Eit Ratzon & Machzor Eit Ratzon
Stone Edition Tanach
Stone Edition Chumash (Torah Commentary)
Koren Jerusalem Tanach
Koren Sacks Siddur
Koren Talmud Bavli
Likutay Halachos - Gathering of Legal Teachings and other Breslov works
Likutey Moharan
The Jewish Book of Why?
The Holocaust: Learn the Truth About What Really Happened
The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous provides financial support to aged and needy non-Jews who rescued Jews during the Holocaust and preserves their legacy through a national education program. There are also videos and more.
Help Learning Hebrew
EKSPublishing.comEKS has all kinds of Hebrew learning levels for Biblical Hebrew, Siddur Hebrew, modern Hebrew, verb charts, and more. Their "Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way" is like a workbook with readings and exercises writing Hebrew in sentences.
Another good (free) resource, especially if you like to learn by hearing the prayers sung. A Conservative rabbi put up this site years ago. You can click on prayers for Kabbalat Shabbat, Saturday services, songs for home, and more. Most show the Hebrew as it is being sung. You can buy the CDs if you like.
This is the main resource for many Hebrew (supplemental school) teachers. They offer many level of Hebrew from alef-bet to adult to conversational. Behrman House has a great monthly (school year) paper newsletter for kids with easy Hebrew and a vocabulary list. Called Zim Zoom, It is mostly English, but includes contemporary Hebrew news, puzzles, etc. I thought it was terrific for Hebrew learners just past decoding.
They sell TropeTrainer and TefillahTrainer, both great programs. On the TropeTrainer software, you can adjust the volume, the speed of singing, you can choose male or female voice, Ashkenazi or Sephardi or whatever, alto, base, tenor, or soprano voice, color coding of certain items, size of lettering, etc. You can buy one parsha to work on or the whole enchilada. Very versatile to help people who never went to Hebrew day school.
There's Always More to come!
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