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Studies on Being Jewish

In these studies we consider what it means to be Jewish. What makes a person Jewish? What is a Jew? Does one have to be born Jewish to be Jewish? Is Judaism a race, a religion, or what? Are converts "really" Jewish? Is Judaism like a cult where everyone must agree? Is there a Jewish Pope? Why are there Jewish movements/denominations if God is one? Is one movement "more Jewish" than the others? What's the difference between Ashkenazi and Sephardi? Between Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Judaism? What is Jewish Renewal? Who are the Karaite Jews? What are Chassidim (Hasidim)? Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? So many issues!

Who is G-d?:

            The Sacred Name: The Name of the One Creator is the most sacred sound vibration there is!

           What It Means That HaShem is Echad/One: In the Shema we declare that HaShem is "echad" (One). What does this mean?

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Modern Jews

           Enough With The Infighting! Remember WHY The Second Temple Was Destroyed (includes text, video, and audio version). Modern issues.

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Roots of Judaism

           Who is a Jew? Are the Jews of today the same Jews who left Egypt? Are we all blood decendants from Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov?This three Part Series looks deeper into what makes a person an "halachic Jew" and whether one can be a Jew otherwise? Who has the historic and spiritual authoirity to determine this?

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Jewish Scripture

           Torah 101: What is the Torah? Tanach? Talmud? (includes text and video version)
           What Is Torah? -- Similar material to the above "Torah 101" but with different viewer discussion.

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Jewish Worship

           Modeh Anee: The exaltation of the awakening soul (music video)

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Jewish Holidays: Jewish holidays are so important to our people. Through them we remember our past and, hopefully, make better decisions! Most of our holidays are based squarely in the Hebrew Scriptures.

           Sacred Times:

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Death and Dying

           Abortion, Stem Cells, and Related Topics: Beit Emunah is a pro-life religion. Our Scripture says "Choose life, so that you and your offspring may life. The various death cults of our time are bringing the vengence of Heaven upon us.

           The Holy Service: The Chevra Kadisha or Jewish burial society is among the most righteous endeavors any Jew can perform. (includes text and video version)

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"How To" Information

           Various "How To" Videos

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Israel and Antisemitism

           HaTikvah: Israel's National Anthem (includes text and music video with my photos)

           Judenhass Foundation of Antisemitism (includes text, supporting videos, and video version)

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Tikun Olam: "Repairing what is broken" is a command not a suggestion. Bereshit 12:3 declares that the Jewish people are here to bless the material creation. This is Tikun Olam. Doing what we can to help heal our fractured planet is service to our Creator.

           Do Better We can do better IF we choose to! (Video only)

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Want to know more?

Who Is G-d?

The Sacred Name: The Third Commandment (includes text and video version).

Shema Israel (includes text and video version)

What It Means That HaShem is Echad (includes text and video version),

A Shema Secret Understanding the Shem a. (includes text and video version)

Modern Jews

Live Weekly Broadcasts,
Shabbat and Holiday Services!
Join us LIVE in Our Zoom Shul

Noon: Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Judaism 101 Course:
Beginning October 18

Doctrine: 5-6
  Hebrew: 6-7
8 PM Sundays
8 PM Thursdays

Contact us for more information!

Rabbi Shlomo's Divrei Torah: Weekly Torah Portion Thoughts

Is G-d Trying to Get Our Attention With COVID-19?

Baseless hate: Kamtza and Bar Kamtza The Story of Tisha B’Av

Jewish Doctrinal Defense

Are You An Extremist?

Teshuvah: Repentance

Isaiah 7 in Context An example of Divine Protection and the importance of Emunah (includes text and soon a video version).

Emet: A Little Jewish Fire and Brimestone(includes text and video version).

Hear the Word of HaShem! Concerning the Jews!

An Interview With Penina Taylor On You Tube.

Who and What is a Semite? Are all Jews Semites? Are all Semites Jews?

Is Judaism a Religion?

Forks in the Road Old Divisions, Modern Ramifications, by R. Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer

Rambam's Letter to Obadiah the Proselyte

American Jews and Related Topics A You Tube only presentation with Rabbi Shlomo Nachman ben Ya'akov. This discussion utilizes the following:

The "Right Kind of Jew": Is there a "right way" to be a Jew? (includes text and video version).

A Time to Stand: Chayei Sarah A D'var Torah on Genesis 23:1−25:18; (includes text and video version)

Female Orthodox Rabbis: A Few Thoughts. (includes text and video version).

Enough With The Infighting! Remember WHY The Second Temple Was Destroyed (includes text, video, and audio version).

Women of the Wall A few thoughts (includes text and video version)

Do Women Matter According to the Bible? (includes text and video version)

Jewish Uniqueness Are Jews Uniquely Chosen? (includes text and video version)

Why its so difficult to convert There is a reason!(includes text and video version)

Orthodox Views of Non-Orthodox Movements Considering conversion? This is important to understand! (includes text and video version)

The Trefa Banquet: Judaism Divided: Birth of the Movements (text only)

Orthodox or Liberal? Hillel or Shammai? (includes text and video)

The Calendar HaShem the Jewish People (text only)

Jewish Symbols (text only)

Yetzer Tov and Yetzer hara: The Impulses of Free Will (includes text and video version)

The 613 Laws According to Rambam (text only)
The 13 Principles of Judaism According to Rambam (includes text and video version)

Roots of Judaism:

Who is a Jew? Part one(includes text and video version)

Jewish Roots Part two (includes text and video version)

Becoming Jewish Part three (includes text and video version)

Our Movements Part four (includes text and video version)

Why is a Jew? Part five: Rabbi Meir Kahane teaching (a three hour video by Rabbi Meir Kahane (ZK"L)

US Jews By the Numbers The 2014 Pew Research Report (includes text and video version)

The Origins of Rabbinic Judaism: An Overview -- Rabbinic and Karaism

The Ethiopian Jews

Jewish Scripture

Torah 101: What is the Torah? Tanach? Talmud? (includes text and video version)

What Is Torah? -- Similar material to the above "Torah 101" but with different viewer discussion.

The Power of Words (includes text and video version)

Who is Isaiah 22 Talking About?

What Yevamot 104B Say About Adam's "Sin"

May Non-Jews Study Torah? Talmud?

Signs: My Lord Will Give You a Sign -- Isaiah 7:1

The Importance of Learning Torah In the Original Language, By Rabbi Michael Skobac

Jewish Worship (Also see my Holidays section)

The Morning Blessings: A wonderful way to begin your day! (includes text and video version)

Modeh Anee: The exaltation of the awakening soul (music video)

Clarifying Tehillim (Psalms) Chapter 22 (includes video)

The Amida: Also known as the Shmoneh Esreh and as the Standing Prayer (includes video)

The Shabbat Amida: Also known as the Tefilat Sheva or Prayer of Seven Blessings

Shema Israel: What the Shema is and how to incorporate its truth into your life (includes text and video version)

The Month of Elul: The Month of Repentance (includes text and audio versions)

Why Were Blood Sacrifices Required? Will They Be Required In the Future? (includes text and video version)

Shlomo's Challah My quick and easy recipe for Sabbath Bread

The importance of Shabbat; for more on the holy days see my Holiday Guide.

Death and Dieing (Also see my Afterlife section)

Abortion, Stem Cells, and Related Topics

The Holy Service: The Chevra Kadisha. (includes text and video version)

When does Jewish halacha permit one to take a life?

"How To" Information

Various "How To" Videos

Tallit Gadol Instructions with Rabbi Aryel Nachman ben Chaim (Der Alte Weg Chassidus) On Youtube

Putting On Tefillin On Chabad Website (text)

Putting On Tefillin Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks (video) Youtbe

Putting Your Tefillin Away When Done with Rabbi Aryel Nachman ben Chaim (Der Alte Weg Chassidus, video)

Israel and Antisemitism (Also see my Zionism section)

THIS is Judaism Parsha Devarim From a JDL Point of View. (includes text and video versions)

Blame Israel? No Way! (includes text and video version)
The Five Principles of Jewish Defense: As Defined By The Jewish Defense League (includes text and video version)

Anti-Zionist Jews: How can any Jew oppose Israel? (includes text and video version)

Dear World: An open letter by Rabbi Meir Kahane, (November, 1988) (includes text and video version)

A Time line of Eretz Israel (text only)

Antisemitism In The USA And Around the Globe by The Numbers. (text only)

HaTikvah: Israel's National Anthem (includes text and music video with my photos)

Zion and Zionism (includes text and video version)

Judenhass Foundation of Antisemitism (includes text, supporting videos, and video version)

Jews on the Moon! -- AKA May We Have The Moon Please? (includes text and video version)

Tikun Olam

Why Adam? and Our Creation.

Leviticus 17:11:Does Blood Atone For sins?

Kabbalah: A Few Thoughts

The Source and Nature of Evil (includes text and video version)

Does Tifilla (prayer) really matter Prayer is critically important!

Faith is the key Emuna and the faith of Cain and Abel (includes text and video version)

Do Better We can do better IF we choose to! (Video only)

Three Men Visit Avraham; (includes text and video version)

Teshuvah: Finding forgiveness; (includes text and video version)

Don't Blame HaShem!: The Roll of Free Will; (includes text and video version)

The Golden Rule: Don't Convert the Jews; (includes text, video and audio presentations)

Lashon Hara: The most serious sin most people have never heard of! (includes text and video version)

So, You Wanna be a Tzaddik (includes video)

What Was Job Lacking? What are we lacking? (includes video)

The Hope of the World (includes text and video)

Kashrut (Kosher Laws)

Please Note: Kashrut is a complex topic with myriad minhagim. This section is for general information only. Check with your rabbi to determine proper minhagim for your community.

Join our Kosher Kooking group on Facebook for kosher knowledge and fun.

Focusing in on Cow Butts: The Sciatic Nerve

The Jews of Butte County, California (text only)

The Holocaust: Learn the Truth About What Really Happened!

THIS is the Day HaShem Has Made For Us:

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