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The Revelation of Yeshua to Yochanan
The Revelation From Yeshua to Yochanan: Chapter Listing
By Rabbi Shlomo Nachman (aka John of AllFaith) © September 16, 2009 (last update: May 15, 2023)
This Study is Undergoing an Ongoing Major Update:
Note: Most people don't understand the biblical timeline and why it is a relevant book for Jews and Christians.
When the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 CE, it threw Judaism into a tailspin. Without the Temple, Judaism had to be renewed. The Pharisees became the Rabbis and began establishing "Rabbinic Judaism." This process was completed in the 300's CE. Another of the first-century Jewish sects were followers of the Jewish man known as Yeshua ben Miriam (Jesus, son of Mary). His disciples created what they called HaDerech (The Way). The Roman authorities absorbed the Way sect circa 320 CE, and it became a separate religion known as Christianity (and Catholicism: Universalism). This was done through the Roman system John condemns as the Nicolaitan Heresy in the second and third chapters of his Revelation. John wrote his Book of Revelation near the end of the first century.
So, during the first and second centuries, Judaism was in transition as various sects sought to determine its future. These competing sects struggled for control. In the end, "Judaism" became Rabbinic Judaism and condemned or replaced all of its competitors, including the Way sect, the Essene Brotherhood, the Sadducees, etc. John wrote as a Jewish reformer, not as a Christian. Judaism was the only religion he knew and practiced, and the book is solidly based on the biblical (Tanach) prophets.
We at Beit Emunah are independent Rabbinic Jews who seek to understand our history. Many of our sincere Christian friends study to understand the origins of their religion and so also find this study helpful. Sadly, some of our Jewish friends seem to prefer ignorance to knowledge and have opposed my teaching this topic. The Jewish prophecies are coming to pass right before our eyes, and those who believe "ignorance is bliss" will reap the result of their intellectual error.
This is a study of a prophecy from one of the First Century CE Jewish followers of Yeshua ben Miriam (Jesus, son of Mary). Examining these writings is not an endorcement of another religion as some charge. At the time they were writing the New Testament its authors considered themselves to be loyal Jews promoting a needed reform. We will look at these writings from their Jewish perspective. Examining these writing is not there therefore an endorsement, but it is an acknowledgment of what is obvious to anyone who cares to look: The Revelation of Yeshua to Yochanan is proving to be accurate, and is harmonious with the prophecies of Daniel and other Hebrew prophets. Like certain other books we don't accept as cannonical, Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, etc. this book reveals many insights, which is why the established Church tried to prevent its inclusion in their cannon.
An Overview of History from a Prophetic Perspective:
From the Nephilim to Magog: The Historic Sweep of Globalism
Overview of the Image of the Beast:
From the Nephilim to Magog: The Image of the Beast and the Four World Empires
The Revelation:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2:Chapter 2
Chapter 3:Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:Chapter 5
Chapter 6:Chapter 6
Chapter 7:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8:
Chapter 8
Chapter 9:
Chapter 9
Chapter 10:
Chapter 10
Chapter 11:
Chapter 11
Chapter 12:
Chapter 12
Chapter 13:
Chapter 13
Chapter 14:
Chapter 14
Chapter 15:
Chapter 15
Chapter 16:
Chapter 16
Chapter 17:
Chapter 17
Chapter 18:
Chapter 18
Chapter 19:
Chapter 19
Chapter 20:
Chapter 20
Chapter 21:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22:
Chapter 22
Chapter 23:
Chapter 23