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Taking the Hem of the Jew (Zechariah 8:23)

The Biblical Way For Non-Jews

Judaism is not looking for converts. In fact, Gentiles are usually discouraged from conversion.
The reason for this is not a dislike of non-Jews but an honoring of the Covenant HaShem has already prepared for them.
For most people there is no reason to convert to Judaism. As we read in a different context in the Talmud Y'rushalmi (Nedarm 9):

Torah provides a joyous and fulfilling Life Path and a sure portal into the Blessed World to Come for non-Jews. This "Way" is the Path of Ethical Monotheism. Its foundation is emunah (motivating faith) and the observance of the Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach, i.e. the Seven Noahide Laws. Whoever YOU are you already have a Covenant with the Most High! You just need to embrace it through your free will.

For those born of a Jewish mother the proper Path or Derech is Rabbinic Judaism. For those not born of a Jewish mother the proper Path is the Seven Law Covenant established with all of humanity. Some Noahides decide to seek formal conversion into Judaism while others are happy to abide within Derech Noahide. HaShem ("the Name"- the G-d of Israel) has granted us all free will to seek and observe His Way as we choose. Choose wisely!

Beit Emunah Welcomes Noahidim!

Addressing A Common Difficulty

A common difficulty Noahidim face is the lack of community. Fellowship and education are as vital for Noahidim as they are for Jews and everyone else. We at Beit Emunah seek to help facilitate such connections by welcoming Noahides and all sincere seekers into our online community for our weekly classes, services, and special events. If you come with mutual respect you will find a welcome here. I invite your questions, thoughts and comments Here.

My Related Offerings:

Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach:Start Here.

Chanukah and the B'nei Noach: May Noahidim take part?
Sukkot, Simchat Torah, and the B'nei Noach: May Noahidim take part?
The Halachot Of Rabbis Teaching B'nei Noach: Are Rabbis permitted to teach Noahidim?
Shavuot For Noahides: May Noahides observe Shavuot?
Between The Church and The Synagogue: By Terry Hayes, with additional thoughts by Rabbi Shalomo Nachman
Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach: The Seven Noahide Laws
The Seven Noahide Laws: A Set of Ethical Values and Moral Principles Not a Religion (H.J.Res.104 — 102nd Congress)
Should Noahidim Observe Shabbat?
Practical Noahide Practice
Must Noahidim Observe the Laws of Rabbinic Kashrut
Noahide Teshuvah: Repentance
What Are The Seven Laws and Are They Biblical?
Help, Don't hurt those who are seeking

The Seven Universal Laws:

The Seven Universal Laws One by One With Rabbis Shlomo Nachman and Aryel Nachman and Shlomo.
Noahide Practice.
The Seven Noahide Laws As Practice.
The Seven Noahide Laws with Rabbis Shlomo Nachman and Aryel Nachman.
Why is it so difficult to convert to Judaism?: A question for those considering conversion.
Parsha Noach: Genesis 1:1-6:8
Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach: The Seven Noahide Laws
Noahide Nanachs?

What is a Noahide?

THIS is the Day HaShem Has Made For Us!:

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Be the Blessing you were created to be
Don't let the perfect defeat the good

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